by John Skiba, Esq. | May 27, 2014 | Debt Collection Lawsuits, Fair Debt Collection, FDCPA Claims, Podcasts
Financial difficulties can be all encompassing. The stress associated with not being able to pay your bills touches on everything from being able to pay for your kid’s schools lunch to wondering if your car is going to get repossessed – making it impossible for you...
by John Skiba, Esq. | May 12, 2014 | Debt Settlement, Fair Debt Collection, FDCPA Claims
I have found that many people who are going through a financial crisis just accept the punishment inflicted upon them by abusive debt collectors. It is almost as if they believe that abusive debt collection is the price to pay for being unable to pay all of their...
by John Skiba, Esq. | May 10, 2014 | Fair Debt Collection, FDCPA Claims
Day in and day out for nearly 11 years I have met with families who are going through financial difficulties. Something that may be surprising, and a little disconcerting, is that there isn’t a certain “type” of person or certain career paths that...
by John Skiba, Esq. | May 8, 2014 | Debt Collection Lawsuits, Fair Debt Collection, FDCPA Claims
Social media can unravel your FDCPA claim or deep six possible defenses in your debt collection lawsuit faster than you say Facebook. It is easy to get a false sense of privacy when we are chatting away with family and friends in social media. But social media can be...