by John Skiba, Esq. | Jun 11, 2013 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Garnishment
Wage garnishment. If I were to guess what the number one thing that pushes people past the tipping point of thinking about filing bankruptcy to actually calling me up and moving things forward, I would say it is wage garnishment. Before a creditor tries to garnish...
by John Skiba, Esq. | Jun 2, 2013 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
If you are needing to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy here in Arizona you will be required to attend one court hearing known as the Meeting of Creditors. Sometimes this meeting is simply called the “341” meeting – with “341” referring to the...
by John Skiba, Esq. | May 28, 2013 | Collection Law Suits, Debt Collection Lawsuits
Being sued by Midland Funding – or any junk debt buyer for that matter – can be a scary experience. The big stack of documents dropped off by the process server look official and you may be thinking to yourself that there is no way you can win your case....
by John Skiba, Esq. | May 7, 2013 | Collection Law Suits, Debt Collection Lawsuits, Uncategorized
Probably half a dozen times per week I meet with someone who has been notified that their next check is going to be a quite a bit lighter – wage garnishment. If you are living paycheck to paycheck finding out your wages are going to be garnished is terrifying....
by John Skiba, Esq. | Apr 27, 2013 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Collection Law Suits, Debt Settlement
If you have read my blog at all you have likely read my mantra that “no body wants to file for bankruptcy”. Sometimes it is just flat out necessary. But how do you know if bankruptcy is the right choice? On more than one occasion I have met with families...